* @module polygon
import * as tess from './tesselator';
import * as vec from './vec';
export const WINDING_UNKNOWN = 0;
export const WINDING_CCW = 1;
export const WINDING_CW = 2;
export function ccw (a, b, c) {
return (b[0] - a[0]) * (c[1] - a[1]) - (c[0] - a[0]) * (b[1] - a[1]);
* Polygon normal (2d / 3d)
* @param {Array} pts Points of the polygon
* @param {Boolean} [forceNewell=false] Whether to force Newell's method
* @return {Array} Polygon normal or null if the polygon is degenerate
export function normal (pts, forceNewell=false) {
if (pts.length < 3) return null;
let vs = pts.map(p => {
return p.length >= 3 ? p : [p[0], p[1], 0];
if (!forceNewell) {
let [a, b, c] = vs,
ba = vec.subtract(b, a),
ca = vec.subtract(c, a),
cr = vec.normalize(vec.cross(ba, ca));
if (cr.some(v => isNaN(v))) {
if (pts.length === 3) return null;
} else {
return cr;
// fallback to Newell's method
let n = [0, 0, 0];
vs.forEach((v, i) => {
let w = vs[(i+1) % pts.length];
n[0] = n[0] + (v[1] - w[1]) * (v[2] + w[2]);
n[1] = n[1] + (v[2] - w[2]) * (v[0] + w[0]);
n[2] = n[2] + (v[0] - w[0]) * (v[1] + w[1]);
n = vec.normalize(n);
return n.some(v => isNaN(v)) ? null : n;
* Signed area of a polygon.
* For 3d polygons a signed area can only be computed when the optional
* polygon normal ```n``` is passed in.
* @see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12642256/python-find-area-of-polygon-from-xyz-coordinates
* @param {Array} pts Polygon points
* @param {Array} [n=null] Optional polygon normal, needed to compute the signed area for 3d polygons
* @return {Number}
export function area (pts, n=null) {
if (pts.length < 3) return 0;
if (pts[0].length < 3) {
return pts.reduce((a, p, i) => {
let pn = pts[i+1] || pts[0];
return a + p[0] * pn[1] - pn[0] * p[1];
}, 0) / 2;
} else {
let num = pts.length,
nrm = n || normal(pts),
total = [0, 0, 0];
if (!nrm) return 0;
for (let i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
let v = pts[i],
w = pts[(i+1) % num];
total = vec.add(total, vec.cross(v, w));
return vec.dot(total, nrm) / 2;
* Polygon centroid (2d)
* @param {Array} pts
* @return {Array}
export function centroid (pts) {
let [x, y] = pts.reduce(([x,y], p, i) => {
let pn = pts[i+1] || pts[0],
c = p[0] * pn[1] - pn[0] * p[1];
return [x + (p[0] + pn[0]) * c, y + (p[1] + pn[1]) * c];
}, [0, 0]);
let ar = area(pts);
if (x !== 0) {
x = x / (Math.abs(ar) * 6);
if (y !== 0 ) {
y = y / (Math.abs(ar) * 6);
if (ar < 0) {
x = -x;
y = -y;
return [x, y];
* Tests wether the polygon winding is counter clockwise
* @param {Array} pts
* @param {Array} [n=null] Optional polygon normal, needed for 3d polygons
* @return {Boolean}
export function is_ccw (pts, n=null) {
return area(pts, n) > 0;
* Tests wether the polygon winding is clockwise
* @param {Array} pts
* @param {Array} [n=null] Optional polygon normal, needed for 3d polygons
* @return {Boolean}
export function is_cw (pts, n=null) {
return area(pts, n) < 0;
* Polygon winding (2d only)
* @param {Array} pts
* @param {Array} [n=null] Optional polygon normal, needed for 3d polygons
* @return {Number}
export function winding (pts, n=null) {
let a = area(pts, n);
if (a < 0) return WINDING_CW;
if (a > 0) return WINDING_CCW;
* Polygon bounds.
* @typedef {Object} PolygonBounds
* @property {Number} xMin
* @property {Number} yMin
* @property {Number} xMax
* @property {Number} yMax
* Polygon bounds
* @param {Array} pts
* @return {PolygonBounds}
export function bounds (pts) {
let min = [ Number.MAX_VALUE, Number.MAX_VALUE],
max = [-Number.MAX_VALUE, -Number.MAX_VALUE];
pts.forEach(p => {
for (let i = 0; i < Math.min(3, p.length); ++i) {
min[i] = Math.min(min[i], p[i]);
max[i] = Math.max(max[i], p[i]);
return {
xMin: min[0],
yMin: min[1],
xMax: max[0],
yMax: max[1]
* Ensures CW winding
* @param {Array} pts
* @param {Array} [n=null] Optional polygon normal, needed for 3d polygons
* @return {Array}
export function ensure_cw (pts, n=null) {
if (is_ccw(pts, n)) pts.reverse();
return pts;
* Ensures CCW winding
* @param {Array} pts
* @param {Array} [n=null] Optional polygon normal, needed for 3d polygons
* @return {Array}
export function ensure_ccw (pts, n=null) {
if (is_cw(pts, n)) pts.reverse();
return pts;
* Triangulates a polygon
* @param {Array} polygon
* @param {Array.<Array>} holes
* @return triangles
export function triangulate (polygon, holes) {
if (!polygon || polygon.length < 3)
return polygon;
let bp = bounds(polygon);
holes = holes.filter(hole => {
let b = bounds(hole),
out = b.xMin > bp.xMax ||
b.yMin > bp.yMax ||
b.xMax < bp.xMin ||
b.yMax < bp.yMin;
return !out;
let options = {polygons: [polygon], holes: holes};
return tess.run(options)
.reduce((p, v) => {
return p.concat(v);
}, []);
* Subtract polygons
* @param {Array} polygons
* @return {Array}
export function subtract (...polygons) {
let options = {
polygons: [ensure_ccw(polygons[0])],
holes: polygons.slice(1).map(p => ensure_cw(p)),
boundaryOnly: true,
autoWinding: false
return tess.run(options);
* Union of a set of polygons
* @param {Array} polygons
* @return {Array}
export function union (...polygons) {
let options = {
polygons: polygons.map(p => ensure_ccw(p)),
boundaryOnly: true,
autoWinding: false
return tess.run(options);
* Intersection of a set of polygons
* @param {Array} a First polygon
* @param {Array} b Second polygon
* @return {Array}
export function intersection (a, b) {
let options = {
polygons: [ensure_ccw(a), ensure_ccw(b)],
boundaryOnly: true,
autoWinding: false
return tess.run(options);